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Together we access experts to thrive



African Safari Collective has proudly created solutions that matter to our industry


Born out of a shared vision, our five founding members united in their passion


Our travel partners are like-minded lodge owners who are passionate about going further together


We make it our mission to work with the most skilled and talented teams in our industry to deliver excellence

We are proudly associated with industry leaders, and have created a collective path to our success

There is no one better suited to find the right solutions to the challenges we face. With our shared passion and understanding of the various nuances and needs of our industry, we have partnered with the right expertise and drawn from our collective strengths to move us #FurtherTogether.

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We create solutions that matter to us and our industry because together we can

A group of like-minded independent safari lodge owners dedicated to working together to support each other while collectively growing businesses and industry for all stakeholders.  Founded at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, ASC was created with the same overriding worry - not for ourselves but our teams, people, families and the majestic creatures of Africa. There was a shared belief that if the industry faltered, her people and wild areas would be at risk. These independent collaborators believe that we could all find solutions to thrive by going #FurtherTogether.

Who would not want to partner with a passionate collective?

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Meet our like-minded founders


Born out of a shared vision, our five founding members, united in their passion for Southern Africa and sharing our spectacular journeys and diverse biomes and regions countless different experiences with you.  Together, our founders have almost three centuries of expertise in tourism in Africa.


Meet our passionate travel partners

Our travel partners are like-minded independent lodge owners. They are determined to get more out of the tourism value chain and know that the power of working together will lead to more sustainability and profitability.


Meet some of our experts

Your dedicated sales team

Your dedicated marketing team

Some of our collaborators

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